Ruvitex Industry AD is a Joint-Stock Company /JSC/ founded in 2011 in Ruse, Bulgaria. As a direct ancestor to Peter Karaminchev chemical factory in that town – one of the largest chemical plants in Central and Eastern Europe – Ruvitex AD utilizes the plant’s years-long industrial know-how and operational expertise and pairs these with modern-day technologies and a vision for a better future.
Our company is specialized in the production of plasticized PVC membranes by using the extrusion coating technology.
The company operates a new production line delivered and installed in 2010, and put into industrial operation in 2011. Production equipment has a manufacturing capacity of 800 kg per hour and possibilities for extrusion coating of products 200 and 320 cm wide.
An advantage of our firm’s manufacturing specificity is a production process based on own stock prefabricates, rather than applying “black box” principle production. Thus we have overall control over the input supplies and raw materials, rapid product development and full responsibility for product quality.
Company’s production facilities are set on two own sites covering 9884 m2 and 6808 m2, respectively, housing company’s main industrial plant and storage capacities with a total built-up area of 3820 sq. m., and an administrative building with a total built-up area of 231 sq.m.
The key product of the company is a single-ply roofing insulation of plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC)- a waterproofing product for industrial, public and residential buildings that has proven itself oven the years.
Superior properties of Ruvimat D membrane combined with Ruvitex Industry AD’s experience both in the production of waterproof membranes and in the development of new products and solutions, Ruvimat D is the best solution integrating the three parameters – quality, price and reliability.